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Starting with the Cygnar Battlebox

Cygnar represents one of the protagonist factions of the Iron Kingdoms in Warmachine MK2. They have a well developed technology that is represented in the rules by plenty of ranged attack options and special rules even for their melee attacks. Their specialty effects include the Lightning Damage and Disruption Effects.

One way to start Cygnar is by buying the Battlebox and playing small games using only a warcaster and the three warjacks that come with him.

What to Order

Two Battleboxes have been developed for Cygnar. The first was all metal, and you will know that it's metal because the warcaster, CommanderColeman Stryker, looks like this:

Product Code: PIP 21001

In the plastic boxed set, Commander Coleman Stryker appears like this:

Product Code: PIP 31063


Whichever Cygnar boxed set you start with, they come with the same model types, just different sculpts and materials.

Commander Coleman Stryker

Stryker has a wide variety of army enhancing spells. He can increase the range of ranged attacks with his Snipe Spell, boost armor with the Arcane Shield Spell, or protect a unit from being shot with the Blur Spell. In addition, his spells can target either models or units, meaning that he can cast them on a single model such as a warjack, or a unit of models ten models strong.

In addition, Stryker's offensive capabilities are subtle and can catch an opponent off guard. Both his weapons can Disrupt enemy warjacks and he can cast his Earthquake Spell to knock models down to get them out of the way, and he can use his Invincibility Feat both offensively and defensively to set up charges, avoid retaliation, or protect his army from free strikes.


You will find yourself using Ironclads throughout your career with Cygnar. They have a nice special ability with their Tremor knockdown effects and they are a rock solid choice for such a low point cost with a solid MAT 7. When all you need is something that hits hard in melee and hits accurately, you want an Ironclad.

Its specialty trick is to use its Tremor attack to knockdown models around it to give the rest of your army Line of Sight to models beyond.


The Lancer is another warjack you'll find yourself using. Your spellcasters use its Arc Node Ability to extend the range of their spells. Thus they can support distant models safely or strike out at enemy models with the same ease.

Its Disruption Shield can be used to completely take out an opposing warjack's cortex in a single turn, while conferring the Shield bonus to protect it.

Casting Arcane Shield on Lancer raises it's ARM to respectable 21, so the opponent needs to invest some serious firepower to remove it from the way. Add in Lancer's Reach and Set Defense and you'll have a nice rock to anchor your defenses.


The charger is a nice addition to the battlebox in that it, in conjunction with Stryker's Snipe Spell and the application of three focus points, can fire two shots per turn with fully boosted attack and damage rolls. However, the intensity of that focus use means that you won't use it in many army builds.

Battlebox Tactics

Set 'em up, Knock 'em down

Stryker's Earthquake spell is fantastic for knocking down models, and by assigning the charger 3 FOC you are guaranteed to hurt whatever you just knocked down. The Ironclad can also knock down models within 2" of itself if it uses Tremor, so you can also use Earthquake somewhat defensively as well, knocking down enemy melee 'Jacks so you can fire into them/delay their advance. It's also great for knocking down intervening models that are in between your forces and the enemy warcaster.

Spell can only deviate half the distance between the spells target and origin, so you cannot miss when casting earthquake from less than 5" away from target. With this in mind you can set up good assassination attempts with lancer arcing earthquake and then finishing the job with either Ironclad or Charger.

Beyond the Battlebox

While Cygnar is full of great units and solos, a definite must have is the Journeyman Warcaster. This little wonder will help save Stryker's FOC for when/where he needs it, as the Journeyman can even control a Warjack. From there, depending on what you want your army to do, choices like Stormblades, Trenchers, Long Gunners and Rangers will become more favorable as your playstyle adapts. Some units, like Arcane Tempest Gun Mages, are great toolbox units, as they can deal with multiple threats with relative ease.


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